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In this issue: PSS Standard Review, Introducing the Provincial Mental Health Training Project and Coordinator, Community Celebrations, News and Resources, HCA CoP Meeting and other upcoming events, and Upcoming HCA Webinar
In this issue: Advanced Mental Health Promotion in Canada, HCA June Reception Registration, CHMA Alberta, Community News and Resources, and HCA Impact Survey.
In this issue: June Reception Information, HCA Webinars in May, Celebrating Campus Approaches, and Community News and Resources.
In this issue: Election Toolkit, HCA Campus Visits, HCA Team News, Save the Date for June Reception, Webinars in April and May, and Community News and Resources.
In this issue: Old Sun Community College Campus Visit Highlights, Celebrating Campus Approaches, Save the Date: June Reception, and HCA March Webinars.
In this issue: HCA Message, The Inquiring Mind Session Information, Tribute for Kandi McElary, Webinars in February and March, and Community News and Resources.
In this issue: New Healthy Campus Alberta Coordinator, Helpful Resources During Holiday Season, Community News and Resources, and Holiday Greetings From HCA.
In this issue: Celebrating the HCA 2018 Connections Summit, Evaluations, and Upcoming Events and Helpful Resources.
In this issue: Connections Summit, 2019 Canadian NCHA Codebook, Meet the newest HCA Team members, and more…
In this issue: Celebrating to HCA 2018 Wellness Summit, Helpful Resource on Harms Reduction and Cannabis Legalization in Alberta, and Information about HCA Community Groups and Campus Gifts.
In this issue: Sneak Peek of the HCA 2018 Wellness Summit, Community Initiative Celebration, and Welcome to the New HCA Student-Staff
In this issue: Save the Date: HCA Webinars, Announcement of the New Website, Welcome to Melodie Esau, and Student-Staff Hiring Update.