Mental Health Impact of COVID-19 in Alberta

Administered by the Canadian Mental Health Association

“The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Alberta Division administered a survey between April and May, 2020 to understand the mental health and wellbeing impact the COVID-19  pandemic has had on Albertans across rural and urban areas. The survey results are intended to inform future mental health priorities and activities across the province. This report was prepared by the Rural Mental Health Project and describes the findings of the survey. The survey was adapted from MQ: Transforming Mental Health and the UK Academy of Medical Sciences’ consultation of stakeholders and the general population in the United Kingdom. [1]”

[1]  Survey results: Understanding people’s concerns about the mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Collated by Katherine
Cowan, on behalf of MQ: Transforming Mental Health and the Academy of Medical Sciences, April 2020. Available from: