
2nd International Health Promoting Campuses Symposium

  •  May 12, 2022
     7:00 am - 2:00 pm

Hosted by the Canadian Health Promoting Campuses Network

“This event will be 100% virtual and held on Zoom. About half of the event will be interactive conversations and working sessions. The event is free for students and CAD$50 for everyone else.

Building on the success of the 2019 event in Rotorua, New Zealand, the International Health Promoting Campuses Symposium will be a one-day pre-event before the 2022 UHPE World Conference on Health Promotion taking place May 15-19 online.

This one-day event aims to activate the Okanagan Charter on higher education campuses around the world. The Okanagan Charter was an outcome of the 2015 International Conference on Health Promoting Universities and Colleges; calling on Higher Education settings to embed health into all aspects of campus culture and lead health promotion action and collaboration locally and globally.

The Symposium will be relevant for academics, management, students, educators, student support service providers, researchers, and all those interested in the advancement of health promotion, public health, wellbeing, equity, and sustainability within Universities, Colleges, and Polytechnics settings.

A portion of the day is a free webinar. Symposium registrants are automatically registered for the webinar.
You also have the option to register for this free section of the program only.”