
HCA 2024-2025 Regional Gatherings – Edmonton

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.


Regional Gatherings provide an opportunity to learn about HCA, impact future priorities of HCA, and connect for meaningful conversation with a diverse group of stakeholders in campus mental health.

Regional Gathering Purpose

  • To increase understanding of who HCA is and what we do
  • To provide an opportunity for impact on the work of HCA and to gauge resonance with the community of practice
  • To curate opportunities for a diverse group of partners to have meaningful conversations about campus wide mental health and well-being


To learn more about Regional Gathering and other HCA events, visit the events homepage.


Edmonton Agenda

November 22, 2024, 8:30 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. MST at The Kings University

8:30am – Doors Open  
      Refreshments and a light breakfast will be served 

9:00am – Introduction and Get To Know You Activity  
      Participate in a series of introductory activities to build relationships with other members of the Healthy Campus Alberta community of practice

10:15am –  Break  

10:30am  – Collaboration Activity  
      Learn how campuses have addressed student needs, share ongoing campus initiatives, and collaborate with others in a problem-solving workshop activity
11:15am –  Break  

11:30am – Share & Celebrate Activity and Wrap Up  
      Conclude the day by celebrating what we have collectively learned

12:00-1:00pm – Lunch  
      Stay for lunch to connect with the community of practice and the HCA team

Register now for the November 22nd Edmonton Regional Gathering!


9125-50th Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6B2H3