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NEED HELP? Call 211 (Alberta only) or the Mental Health Help Line at 1-877-303-2642. If you’re thinking about suicide, call or text 988 toll-free.
In this issue: Community Feedback Results; Wellness Webinar Series; and Community news, events, and resources.
In this issue: We are hiring, join the HCA Staff Team; Student Design Team Opportunity; Thank you outgoing HCA staff; and Community news, events, and resources.
In this issue: HCA Impact Survey; 2022 Wellness Summit: registration closes June 8; Old Sun Community College – Indigenous Mental Health Workshop; and Community news, events, and resources.
In this issue: Upcoming webinar with TEND; Register now for the 2022 Wellness Summit; Thank you Debbie Bruckner; and Community news, events, and resources.
In this issue: Invitation to Present at the 2022 Wellness Summit; Upcoming HCA Events; and Community news, events, and resources.
In this issue: Participate in the Community Environmental Scan; Upcoming HCA Events; Student Leader Dinner; and Community news, events, and resources.
In this issue: Participate in our Community Environmental Scan; Upcoming HCA Events; and Community news, events, and resources.
In this issue: Creating a Campus Suicide Prevention Framework; National Standard Discussion Group: 2022 Edition; and Community news, events, and resources.
In this issue: CoP Meeting Community Report; Thank you, Makayla Freeman; and Community news, events, and resources.
In this issue: Thank you to all who attended the CoP Meeting; Register now for the National Standard Discussion Group: Fall 2021 Edition; and Community news, events, and resources.
In this issue: Register now for the 2021 CoP Meeting! Results of the 2021 Community Impact Survey; Meet Your New HCA Team! and community news, events, and resources
In this issue: CoP meeting dates announcement; National Day for Truth and Reconciliation; Making Mental Health Matter in Alberta: Advocacy Toolkit; Design Team: Outgoing and Incoming Members; and Community news, events, and resources