“Losing a loved one to substance use (such as alcohol, opioids, or other drugs) is devastating. You are not alone. “Gone Too Soon: Navigating Grief and Loss as a Result of Substance Use” is a handbook to help you during this difficult time. This handbook is for:
- Family and friends who have lost a loved one to substance use.
- People who are supporting someone through this type of loss.
- Service providers who are helping people deal with grief and loss.
Inside this handbook you’ll find:
- How to cope with grief and trauma.
- Where to go for support.
- Ways to tell family and friends that you’ve lost a loved one to substance use.
- Information about practical matters, such as working with the police and medical examiner, and making funeral plans.
- Alberta resources and services.
- Stories of loss and healing.
If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s substance use, please call Health Link at 811 or the Addiction Helpline at 1-866-332-2322.”