All Results for Teaching and Learning
Insights on Implementation of the National Standard for Mental Health and Well-being of Post-Secondary Students
Shared by the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) This resource highlights common barriers and enablers that institutions are experiencing in their work with the National Standard for Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students (the Standard), as heard in 2023.
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Trauma-Informed Practice: Resources for Alberta Post-Secondary Settings
Developed by the Healthy Campus Alberta team, in consultation with HCA community members from Mount Royal University and University of Calgary Those in helping roles related to post-secondary student mental health will inevitably find trauma implicated in their work. Trauma-informed practice is an approach that can provide knowledge and...
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National Forum on Wellness in Post-Secondary Education
Events Date: February 2 - 4, 2023
Hosted by Ever Active Schools A full day in-person event prior to the Shaping the Future Conference with the goal to increase capacity for national health and wellness research and practice in Canadian BEd. programs. For more information or to register visit the Ever Active Schools website here.
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Faculty Guides for Student Wellbeing
From Best Practices in Canadian Higher Ed. The Team is curating faculty guides and resources that support student wellbeing. The list includes materials from post-secondary institutions across the country.
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“Understand that we’re human too!” Enabling better student mental health through teaching and learning practices’
Webinars Date: March 18, 2021
A webinar by the Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health “Building on our December 2020 webinar, “Supporting faculty and staff to create a healthy and engaging learning environment,” this session will consider the University of Saskatchewan (USASK) as a case study, where, in line with the sector nationally and...
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Community Discussion: Mental Health and the Learning Environment Toolkit from CICMH
Webinars Date: December 8, 2020
One of the themes that emerged at the CoP meeting was the changed nature of student interactions. Online classrooms are, for many students, the main point of contact within their campus. Student support staff and faculty alike are asking what steps should be taken within the classroom to support student...
Watch the CICMH Webinar
Supporting Faculty to Create a Healthy and Engaging Learning Environment
Webinars Date: December 8, 2020
A webinar by the Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health introducing the Toolkit for Faculty & Staff “Being a faculty member is about much more than delivering course content and evaluating academic performance. It is an opportunity to be a part of both the life and learning journey of...
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Mental Health and the Learning Environment
From the Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health “This toolkit will help faculty and teaching staff take steps within the classroom in a collective effort to support student mental health.”
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Go To Faculty and The Inquiring Mind
Webinars Date: March 19, 2019
Looking for ways to increase mental health literacy among staff and faculty or promote health and reduce stigma among students? Are you running The Inquiring Mind on campus and looking for a way to engage staff and faculty? Andrew Baxter of Alberta Health Services and Andrew Szeto of University of Calgary...
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